Tuya Zigbee module UART communication protocol
The Tuya Zigbee serial port general protocol is the Tuya custom Zigbee module serial port general protocol, which is mainly used for Tuya Zigbee module to directly connect with other MCU serial ports for serial communication.
Figure 1: Tuya Zigbee serial protocol structure
Hardware connection
Zigbee module is powered by DC 3.3V, UART is set to 9600-8-N-1, no data flow control. The UART interface pins use standard logic. In the idle state, the TXD and RXD pins are both high level, with low level as the start bit and high level as the stop bit. The pin stays high even when the device goes to sleep.
For low-power devices, two GPIO ports (PWM1 and PWM2) are reserved between the Tuya Zigbee module and the MCU, which are used when the MCU and module connection wake up. PWM1 is used by the Zigbee module to wake the MCU, and PWM2 is used by the MCU to wake the Zigbee module. The default is high level, low level is valid for more than 10 ms. For low-power low-voltage devices, the initiator needs to make a wake-up handshake connection before actively initiating a command between the Zigbee module and the MCU.
For high-power devices without hibernation, the serial port is in a long listening state and does not need to be connected to PWM1 and PWM2. It can be left floating.
Serial communication
Frame format
The UART communication data frame between Tuya Zigbee module and MCU is composed of frame header (Front), version (Ver), command word (Cmd), data length (Length), data (Data) and checksum (Check). And description is as follows:
Frame Format Description
Table 1: Frame format description
Note: The version (Ver) is 1, and does not include the serial number parameter; The version number is greater than 1, including the serial number parameter;
Table 2: Cmd description table
All data larger than 1 byte is transferred in big-endian mode.
Under normal circumstances, the command word one send and one receive synchronization mechanism is adopted, that is, one party sends a command and the other responds. If the sender does not receive the correct response packet after timeout, the transmission timeout.
Protocol details
Query Product Information
1) Product ID: Corresponds to the Tuya Developer Platform PID (Product Identification), which is generated by the Tuya Cloud Developer Platform and used to record product-related information in the cloud.
2) Product information consists of product ID and MCU software version.
3) MCU software version number format definition: in dotted decimal form, "x.x.x" (0 <= x <= 99), x is a decimal number.
Module sends:
Example: 0x55aa 02 N 01 0000 xx
The MCU returns:
Example: {"p": "AIp08kLI", "v": "2.0.0"}
p means product ID is AIp08kLI
v means MCU version is 2.0.0
0x55aa 02 N 01 00 1c 7b2270223a2241497031386b4c49222c2276223a22312e302e30227d xx
Report module network status
1) The device is not connected to the network: When the device is powered on for the first time, or fails to connect to the network, or is disconnected from the network, the device status is not connected to the network; the status is sent to the MCU.
2) The device is in the networked state: After the device is successfully connected to the network, the device is in the networked state; this state is sent to the MCU.
3) When the network status of the module changes, it will actively send the network status of the module to the MCU.
Module sends:
Example: 0x55aa 02 N 02 0001 00 xx
The MCU returns:
Example: 0x55aa 02 N 02 0000 xx
Configure Zigbee module
Note: There are two types of commands for configuring the Zigbee module, as shown in the figure below.
MCU sends:
Example: 0x55aa 02 N 03 0001 01 xx
The module returns:
Example: 0x55aa 02 N 03 0000 xx
Command issued
Command issued frame format
! [img] (https://airtake-public-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/fe-static/tuya-docs/4def757c-b094-4fb9-a7ef-fa4999fedbf3.png)!
1) The datapoint command / status data unit is as follows:
2) Except for the "raw" type, the datapoint command / status data unit belongs to the "obj" type datapoint.
3) The "command delivery" may include multiple datapoint "command data units".
4) "Command issuance" is an asynchronous processing protocol, corresponding to the "status report" of the MCU's datapoint.
Module sends:
Example: The system switch corresponds to DP No. 3, using a bool variable, and the boot value is 1.
0x55aa 02 N 04 0005 ** 03 01 0001 01 ** xx
Status reporting (passive)
1) After the MCU receives the command issued by the module side and performs the corresponding action, it needs to passively report the new status to the module side;
a. After the status is correctly executed, only the datapoint status of the performed operation is reported;
2) "Status reporting (passive)" is a synchronous processing protocol. After receiving the datapoint information, the module will immediately return an ACK to the MCU;
3) "Status reporting (passive)" may include multiple datapoint "command data units". For details of the datapoint status data unit description, see "Section 3.4"
MCU sends:
Example: Humidity corresponds to No. 5 DP, use valve type variable, humidity is 30 ℃
0x55aa 02 N 05 00 08 ** 05 02 0004 0000001e ** xx
The module returns:
Example: Module returns ACK status to MCU successfully
0x55aa 02 N 05 0001 01 xx
Status reporting (active)
1) In the case that the MCU actively detects a change in the datapoint or the MCU restarts, it is necessary to send the changed datapoint status to the module.
a. When there is a normal change, only the changed datapoint is reported;
b. In abnormal situations such as restart, all datapoints need to be reported;
2) "Status reporting (active)" is an asynchronous processing protocol. After receiving the response from the gateway within the timeout period, the module will return the status to the MCU. If the status returns timeout or the status is fail, the MCU needs to do random Backoff retransmission mechanism.
3) The "status report (active)" may include multiple datapoint "command data units". For details of the datapoint status data unit description, see "Section 3.4".
MCU sends:
Example: Humidity corresponds to No. 5 DP, use valve type variable, humidity is 30 ℃
0x55aa 02 N 06 08 ** 05 02 0004 0000001e ** xx
The module returns:
Example: Module returns ACK status to MCU successfully
0x55aa 02 N 06 0001 01 xx
Zigbee module functional test
Note: Scan the RSSI value of the specified channel, and return the scan result and signal strength percentage. This command can run normally only when the device is not connected to the network. The module must be restarted after a single test.
MCU sends:
The MCU requires the module to scan the RSSI value of the 11 channels:
0x55aa 02 N 08 0001 0b xx
The module returns:
0x55aa 02 N 08 0002 01 64 xx
The effective value of the channel is (11-26), and the invalid channel will use 11 channels by default;
Time synchronization
Note: Time synchronization is used by the MCU to measure the network time usage of the synchronization gateway.
MCU sends:
The module returns:
Time-synchronized data format, including standard timestamps and local timestamps.
Time synchronization data format
1.The standard time stamp is the total number of seconds from 00: 00: 00 on January 01, 1970, GMT.
Local timestamp = standard timestamp + seconds between standard time and local time (including time zone and daylight saving time)
Scene switch protocol
In the scene switch device, the MCU only needs to inform the Zigbee module device how many keys it has through the serial port transparent transmission protocol, and which key is currently operated.
Query key information
Module sends:
The module requires to obtain the total value of the MCU's keys:
0x55aa 02 N 09 0000 xx
The MCU returns:
0x55aa 02 N 09 0001 02 xx
Scene wake command
MCU sends:
Note: There is a one-to-one correspondence between the key ID and the total number of keys.
The MCU requires the module to execute the scenario corresponding to button 1:
0x55aa 02 N 0A 0001 01 xx
The module returns:
0x55aa 02 N 0A 0001 01 xx
MCU OTA protocol
Data format requested by OTA version
This command must be implemented if MCU upgrade is supported. The gateway will actively query the MCU version number, and the MCU can also report it actively. Query scenarios: 1. During network deployment 2. Device initiated time synchronization 3. When the MCU upgrade process is abnormal; 1. After successful network configuration (must be added) 2. Upgrade is complete.
Module sends:
Example: 0x55 AA 02 00 f0 0B 00 00 XX
MCU response:
Example: 55 AA 02 00 39 0B 00 01 40 XX
OTA Upgrade Notice
Module sends:
Example: 0x55 AA 02 00 1C 0C 00 0F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 00 01 00 00 30 31 32 33 XX
MCU response:
Example: 0x55 AA 02 00 1C 0C 00 01 00 XX
OTA firmware content request
MCU sends:
Example: 0x55 AA 02 00 00 0D 00 0E 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 00 00 00 01 32 XX
Module response:
Example: 55 AA 02 00 39 0D XXXX 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 00 00 00 01…. XX
OTA firmware upgrade result report
MCU sends:
Example: 0x55 AA 03 00 f0 0E 00 0A 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 26
Module response:
Example: 0x55 AA 02 00 1C 0E 00 01 00 XX
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